Lecture Notes and Course Materials

Statistical physics

Semester-long course on statistical physics for physics undergraduates (3rd year). Webpage and lecture notes in spanish: “Física estadística” [link]

Computational physics

Semester-long course on computational physics for physics undergraduates (3rd year). Webpage in spanish: “Física computacional” [link]

Computational methods in nonlinear physics

First part of a semester-long master course on nonlinear physics, centered on stochastic systems and stochastic numerical methods. Pdf slides in english.

  • Course structure [pdf]
  • Chapter 1: Review of probability and statistics [pdf]
  • Chapter 2: Monte Carlo integration [pdf]
  • Chapter 3: Applications in statistical physics [pdf]
  • Chapter 4: Stochastic processes and stochastic differential equations

Current statistics, optimal paths and dynamical symmetry breaking in driven diffusive media

A short course (3h, in english) on current fluctuations out of equilibrium given at the 2024 Les Houches Summer School on the Theory of Large Deviations and Applications (École de Physique des Houches, France, 18&19/07/2024) [lecture 1, lecture 2]

Physics of complex systems

A short introduction to Brownian motion (in english) within a semester-long master course on complex systems [pdf]

A short history of physics

A short introduction (in spanish) to the history of physics. Originally prepared for the “UGR Master Universitario de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas”. Slides in spanish: “Una breve historia de la física” [pdf]