Recent posts
- Phenol release from pNIPAM hydrogels: scalingmolecular dynamics simulations with dynamicaldensity functional theory
- Controlling the anisotropic self-assembly of polybutadiene-grafted silica nanoparticles by tuning three-body interaction forces
- Active interaction switching controls the heterogeneous dynamics of soft colloidal disopersions
- Active binary switching of soft colloids: stability and structural properties
- Effects of Vimentin Intermediate Filaments on the Structure and Dynamics of In Vitro Multicomponent Cytoskeletal Networks
- Scaling Laws in the Diffusive Release of Neutral Cargo from Hollow Hydrogel Nanoparticles: Paclitaxel-Loaded Poly(4-vinylpyridine)
- Controlling the microstructure and phase behavior of confined soft colloids by active interaction switching
- Electrostatic depletion effects on the stability of colloidal dispersions of sepiolite and natural rubber latex
- Crossover of the effective charge in ionic thermoresponsive hydrogel particle
- Non-Equilibrium Uptake of Molecular Cargo into Hollow Hydrogels Tuned by Electrosteric Interactions
- Direct determination of forces between charged nanogels through coarse-grained simulations
- Evidence of electrostatic-enhanced depletion attraction in the structural properties and phase behavior of binary charged colloidal suspensions
- Maximizing the absorption of small cosolutes inside neutral hydrogels: steric exclusion versus hydrophobic adhesion
- Cosolute Partitioning in Polymer Networks: Effects of Flexibility and Volume Transitions
- Conformation change of an isotactic poly (N-isopropylacrylamide) membrane
- Sorption and Spatial Distribution of Protein Globules in Charged Hydrogel Particles
- Competition between excluded-volume and electrostatic interactions for nanogel swelling: effects of the counterion valence and nanogel charge
- Thermoresponsive microgels at the air–water interface: the impact of the swelling state on interfacial conformation
- The Effect of Electrosteric Interactions on the Effective Charge of Thermoresponsive Ionic Microgels
- Swelling of ionic microgel particles in the presence of excluded-volume interactions: a density functional approach
- Role of Steric Interactions on the Ionic Permeation Inside Charged Microgels
- On the scattered light by dilute aqueous dispersions of nanogel particles
- Effect of hydrodynamic interactions in the non-sequential deposition of concentrated colloidal dispersions
- Wall–particle interactions and depletion forces in narrow slits
- Ion permeation inside microgel particles induced by specific interactions: from charge inversion to overcharging
- Effective charge of ionic microgel particles in the swollen and collapsed states: The role of the steric microgel-ion repulsion
- Effective electrostatic interactions arising in core-shell charged microgel suspensions with added salt
- Further details on the phase diagram of hard ellipsoids of revolution
Archivo del Autor: amj
Phenol release from pNIPAM hydrogels: scalingmolecular dynamics simulations with dynamicaldensity functional theory
H.A. Pérez-Ramírez, A. Moncho-Jordá, and G. Odriozola We employed molecular dynamic simulations (MD) and the Bennett’s acceptance ratio method to compute the free energy of transfer of phenol, methane, and 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), between bulk water and water–pNIPAM mixtures of different … Sigue leyendo
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Controlling the anisotropic self-assembly of polybutadiene-grafted silica nanoparticles by tuning three-body interaction forces
B. Di Credico, G. Odriozola, S. Mascoto, A. Meyer, L. Tripaldi, and A. Moncho-Jordá Recently, the significant improvements in polymer composites properties have been mainly attributed to the ability of filler nanoparticles (NPs) to self-assemble into highly anisotropic self-assembled structures. … Sigue leyendo
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Comentarios desactivados en Controlling the anisotropic self-assembly of polybutadiene-grafted silica nanoparticles by tuning three-body interaction forces
Active interaction switching controls the heterogeneous dynamics of soft colloidal disopersions
M. Bley, P.I. Hurtado, J. Dzubiella, and A. Moncho-Jordá We employ Reactive Dynamical Density Functional Theory (R-DDFT) and Reactive Brownian Dynamics (R-BD) simulations to investigate the dynamics of a suspension of active soft Gaussian colloids with binary interaction switching, i.e., a … Sigue leyendo
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Active binary switching of soft colloids: stability and structural properties
M. Bley, J. Dzubiella, and A. Moncho-Jordá We employ reactive dynamical density functional theory (R-DDFT) and reactive Brownian dynamics (R-BD) simulations to study the non-equilibrium structure and phase behavior of an active dispersion of soft Gaussian colloids with binary interaction … Sigue leyendo
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Effects of Vimentin Intermediate Filaments on the Structure and Dynamics of In Vitro Multicomponent Cytoskeletal Networks
Y. Shen, H. Wu, P.J. Lu, D. Wang, M. Shayegan, H. Li, W. Shi, Z. Wang, L.-H. Cai, J. Xia, R. Ding, H. Herrmann, R. Goldman, F.C. MacKintosh, A. Moncho-Jordá, and D. Weitz We investigate the rheological properties of interpenetrating … Sigue leyendo
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Scaling Laws in the Diffusive Release of Neutral Cargo from Hollow Hydrogel Nanoparticles: Paclitaxel-Loaded Poly(4-vinylpyridine)
A. Moncho-Jordá, A.B. Jódar-Reyes, M. Kanduc, A. Germán-Bellod, J.M. López-Romero, R. Contreras-Cáceres, F. Sarabia, M- García-Castro, H.A. Pérez-Ramírez, and G. Odriozola We study the nonequilibrium diffusive release of electroneutral molecular cargo encapsulated inside hollow hydrogel nanoparticles. We propose a theoretical … Sigue leyendo
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Comentarios desactivados en Scaling Laws in the Diffusive Release of Neutral Cargo from Hollow Hydrogel Nanoparticles: Paclitaxel-Loaded Poly(4-vinylpyridine)
Controlling the microstructure and phase behavior of confined soft colloids by active interaction switching
A. Moncho Jordá and J. Dzubiella We explore the microstructure and phase behavior of confined soft colloids which can actively switch their interactions at a predefined kinetic rate. For this, we employ a reaction-diffusion approach based on a reactive dynamical … Sigue leyendo
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