
Currently, I teach the subjects Physics II (Electromagnetism and Optics) to Chemistry undergraduates as well as Physics of Complex System to Physics undergraduates. Additionally, I instruct Quantum Thermodynamics and Quantum Machine Learning in the Master’s Degree in Quantum Technologies of the Menéndez Pelayo International University.

Online Classes

I have several online classes and seminars oriented to science students (in English and Spanish).

  • 2022. Entrelazamiento cuántico. Una «espeluznante» acción a distancia. Link
  • 2020. Efectos cuánticos en sistemas biológicos. Link.

Education Research

Even if I am not an expert I like to make small contributions to the science of education. I have this papers in this direction:

  • 2014. A. Bueno and D. Manzano. Montecarlo Techniques as a tool for teaching statistics. ArXiv.
  • 2018. E. Álvarez González and D. Manzano. Propuesta didáctica para el empleo de la Historia de la Ciencia en la enseñanza del primer principio de la Termodinámica en Educación Secundaria. Revista de Educación de la Universidad de Granada 25, 9. Link.

Education in Teaching

To learn how to teach I made the Teaching Certificate Program at MIT in 2014. As part of the Evaluation I made this Short videoclass.