Measuring large deviation statistics in open quantum systems

Controlling dynamical fluctuations in open quantum systems is essential both for our comprehension of quantum nonequilibrium behaviour and for its possible application in near-term quantum technologies. However, understanding these fluctuations is extremely challenging due, to a large extent, to a lack of efficient numerical methods. In this talk, we shall introduce a unified framework –based on population-dynamics methods– for the evaluation of the full probability distribution of generic time-integrated observables in Markovian quantum jump processes. These include quantities carrying information about genuine quantum features, such as quantum superposition or entanglement. The algorithm we propose provides dynamical free-energy and entropy functionals which, akin to their equilibrium counterpart, permit to unveil intriguing phase-transition behaviour in quantum trajectories. We shall discuss some applications and further disclose coexistence and hysteresis, between a highly entangled phase and a low entangled one, in large fluctuations of a strongly interacting few-body system.

Ponente: Carlos Pérez-Espigares. Universidad de Granada.

Fecha y hora: Miércoles, 26 de febrero a las 10:00 horas.

Lugar: Laboratorio de Física Computacional. Planta baja del edificio de Física (junto a las pantallas). Facultad de Ciencias. Granada.
