Macroscopically nonlocal quantum correlations

Macroscopic Bell-type experiment (source).

It is usually believed that coarse-graining of quantum correlations leads to classical correlations in the macroscopic limit. Such a principle, known as macroscopic locality, has been proved for correlations arising from independent and identically distributed (IID) entangled pairs. In this work we consider the generic (non-IID) scenario. We find that the Hilbert space structure of quantum theory can be preserved in the macroscopic limit. This leads directly to a Bell violation for coarse-grained collective measurements, thus breaking the principle of macroscopic locality.


Ponente: Miguel Gallego Ballester. University of Vienna.

Fecha y hora: viernes, 11 de junio de 2021 a las 10:00. 

Lugar: Seminario de Física Computacional, planta baja del edificio de Física (hasta completar aforo) y vía Google Meet: 
